Common Questions and Answers.

Q. How long does the shelter keep stray animals?
A. CCHS meets State and County mandated holding periods for stray animals. The stray hold period is 72 hours excluding Sundays and holidays. This mandated holding period is designed so that pet owners have a reasonable amount of time to find lost pets. Once the holding period is up the pet becomes the property of CCHS. CCHS then determines the best course of action, which often means making that pet available for adoption as soon as we have completed some basic medical, and behavior screening.
Q. Does CCHS euthanize animals?
A. Yes, for a variety of reasons we find ourselves in the unfortunate position to have to euthanize some animals. We are looking for people like you to help us save more and more lives so that euthanasia becomes less necessary.
There are several reasons for which animals may be euthanized at CCHS. We sometimes receive animals in very poor health, those that may have been abused or neglected. Animals in poor health are evaluated by our veterinarian and the best medical decision is made for the animal. For these animals we provide a humane, dignified end to their suffering. Our technicians are very skilled and compassionate people, whose goal it is to save lives.
Pets involved in attacks on people or serious attacks on other animals are sometimes considered too dangerous to hold or handle and be ordered to be euthanized by a county official, veterinarian or by CCHS.
Q. I need to fulfill community service hours, what should I do?
A. Contact CCHS management to schedule a day and time to complete your community service hours. 252-247-7744 or [email protected]
Q. Is my donation tax-exempt?
A. Yes, we are a 501(c)(3) recognized charity by the IRS. Donations made directly to Carteret County Humane Society and Animal Shelter will be properly acknowledged and receipted for your personal records can be provided. Our tax ID number is 56-1198808
Q. When I donate monetarily, what is my money really supporting?
A. All donations to Carteret County Humane Society and Animal Shelter support saving the lives of the of animals that come into CCHS care each year. Unless you’ve designated funds to be used in a particular way, your monetary donation will support general operations. Your donation will be used where it is needed the most.
Q. Why are donations made without restrictions, otherwise known as general donations, important?
A. All donations made to Carteret County Humane Society and Animal Shelter support our mission to protect and shelter animals until they can be adopted. Building and maintaining the comprehensive safety net that protects all shelter pets requires a complex operation. It includes critical needs you may not have considered, and these fluctuate throughout the year as we respond to the needs of at-risk animals as they occur. When you give generally to our operations, you enable the best use of resources in protecting the lives of thousands of animals.
Q. Can I give for a specific program or purpose?
A. Absolutely! When you make your online donation simply choose the program of your choice from the “Designation” drop-down menu on Mighty Cause.
Q. How would I designate my gift for a specific purpose?
A. Sending a check? Indicate in the memo section how you’d like us to use your gift or attach a letter describing how you would like your donation to be used. Donating online? Use the choice from the “Designation” drop-down menu on Mighty Cause. If you are unsure how to designate these or any other gift, please contact us at [email protected].
Q. How do I set up recurring monetary donations?
A. Thanks so much for your interest in giving monthly! You can set up recurring donations by selecting “monthly” from the Mighty Cause. It’s as simple as selecting the amount you would like to give each month.
Q. I'd like to hold a donation drive. Can I? What do I do?
A. Yes! We love donation drives as they bring in much-needed donations. You can find donation suggestions via our wish list page and Amazon wish list. Please email [email protected]. with additional questions. You can bring collected donations to:
853 Hibbs Road
Newport, NC 28570.
Where do I send a donation made by check? Checks should be mailed to:
853 Hibbs Road
Newport, NC 28570
Q. Do you accept gifts of stock?
A. We do! You can find out more about this by emailing [email protected].
Q. How do I give through estate or other financial planning?
A. We’re honored that you’d like to support Carteret County Humane Society and Animal Shelter through planned giving. You can find out more information by emailing [email protected]
Q. I'd like to donate in honor of or in memory of someone and have something sent to them. Can I do that?
A. Yes! On our donate now tab through Mighty Cause (our on-line secure donation website) by filling out the dedication section as well as the address the dedication should be sent to. The shelter will send a dedication letter to the family. If donating through check, please note who it is in memory/honor of as well as the address the dedication should be sent to.
Q. What is your Tax ID number?
A. Our tax ID is 56-1198808.
Q. How does the adoption process work?
A. The adopter fills out this application on line and submits it to the shelter or fills out a paper copy at the shelter. The application is reviewed by a manager for approval or disapproval. The entire family must come to meet a new pet. If you are adopting a dog and have another dog/dogs at home then you must have a meet and greet at the shelter.
Our Adoption Fees:
Puppies – under 1 year old: $100
Dogs(altered) – 1 year and older: $75 Males/ $85 Females
Kittens – under 1 year old: $100
Cats (altered) – 1 year and older: $70 Males/ $80 Females
Cats and Dogs (unaltered) - $125
Please check our Adoption page and Facebook page for Adoption Specials
Adoption Fee includes:
Dogs: Rabies, Canine Distemper, Bordetella, Dewormer, Flea Medication, Monthly Heartworm Preventative, Heartworm Testing, Microchip, Shelter ID Tag, Collar, Spay/Neuter Voucher if not already altered.
Cats: Rabies, Felovax, Dewormer, Flea Medication, FIV/FLEV/HW Testing, Microchip, Spay/Neuter Voucher if not already altered.
Q. Are you thinking about adopting a new pet?
A. Once you’ve decided that you’d like to adopt, there are some actions that the Carteret County Humane Society suggests that you take.
You will want to research just the right pet for you, your family and your circumstances – take a look at the information below. We hope it is helpful as you proceed with adoption:
Learn about different breeds and mixes. Which traits will work best for you?
Are you ready for a dog?
Are you ready for a cat?
If you are considering a dog here are some other items to consider.
Find a dog that is compatible with you, your home and your lifestyle – now and in the future.
Spend quality time interacting with the dog you’d like to adopt. Many times an animal’s behavior is different when away from other animals or in a kennel. The animal displaying bad manners or not paying attention may just be scared and lonely!
You’ll also want to commit to being a responsible dog owner. This will include:
Lavishing the necessary time and love on your dog.
Understanding the financial commitment involved.
Providing the necessary medical care and exercise for your dog.
Q. Can I take my new pet home the same day?
A. In most cases, yes. We actually prefer for you to take your new pet home that day so that he/she can start being a part of your family! It’s a good idea to have some things ready for your new pet such as bedding, food, bowls, and toys before you officially adopt a pet. That way, when you fall in love with the right dog or cat, you will be ready.
Sometimes, our adopters are unable to take home their dog or cat the same day. This can be due to a few different factors, including requiring meet-and-greets between resident dogs and your newly adopted dog, and/or medical reasons. Our adoption team will let you know during the process if an additional meetings are necessary before taking home your new family member!
Q. Has my new pet already been vaccinated?
A. Yes, your new pet will be current on all vaccinations at the time of adoption. From there, you will be responsible for keeping the dog or cat up-to-date on vaccines.
Q. Has my new pet already been spayed/neutered?
A. Your adoption advisor will let you know if the pet you are interested in has been neutered or spayed during your initial visit or the information can be found on our website as well. If your pet has not been spayed or neutered, then you will receive a voucher which is only honored by certain veterinarians to reduce the cost of procedure.
Q. Can I get my adoption donation refunded if my new pet doesn’t work out?
A. We only offer refunds if you take your newly adopted pet to the veterinary of your choice within ten business days and there is a medical condition, we were not aware of. You then can bring the pet back to us for a refund or choose a different animal.
If your adoption does not work out for any other reason, you can always bring the pet back to us but will not receive a refund.
Q. I found a pet that I want to adopt but am not sure if he/she will work out in my home with my other pets. Can I do a trial adoption?
A. We consider a foster to adopt in certain situations, but usually just for our adult dogs. If you are interested in a trial adoption, speak with an adoption counselor about your situation. You will be required to do a foster application and be approved by management. Upon foster we will determine a timeframe for foster to adopt. If you are fostering a dog, you may also be asked to coordinate a meet-and-greet with your current pet with the potential foster dog.
Q. What do I do with my new pet if he/she gets sick after I adopt him/her?
A. Upon adoption you sign a contract stating you will take your newly adopted pet to the veterinarian on your choice within ten business days. If your newly adopted pet has a sickness that CCHS was not aware of, you can return the pet and receive a refund. If after the ten days, you as the adopted parent are responsible for all medical care.
Q. How long do I keep a foster dog?
A. We ask that you keep your foster dog until adoption, but we require a minimum two week commitment (although there are frequently shorter-term options available). We are unable to predict how long it will take for your foster dog to be adopted as it is case specific. Young puppies are typically adopted very quickly, while adult dogs can take a few weeks and sometimes longer.
Q. How old do you have to be to foster?
A. Our fosters need to be at least 18 years old.
Q. What does the shelter provide for fosters?
A. The Shelter provides food, medical care, and any items needed for bottle baby kittens and/or puppies.
Q. What types of dogs need a foster home?
A. All dogs who have not yet found a forever home need a foster home! We have the young, fluffy cuties, but we have the most foster need for pregnant dogs, moms with newborn, senior dogs, dogs needing medical care, dogs needing more active behavior management, and dogs needing a break from the shelter. Basically, foster care is for all homeless dogs, especially those that need a little extra love!
Q. What are my responsibilities as a foster?
A. Beyond providing plenty of love, fosters are responsible for:
Providing a safe, clean, and caring environment
Providing shelter, food, water, and toys/enrichment
Providing exercise and socialization, as appropriate
Monitoring any medical and/or behavioral issues
Transporting their foster dog to and from medical appointments, meet and greets, behavior/training sessions, etc. and to and from adoption events as necessary
Actively marketing their foster dog for adoption
Screening and meeting with potential adopters; being responsive and courteous towards potential adopters; and following our adoption protocols
Q. Are there dog-friendly, kid-friendly dogs needing foster homes?
A. Yes! For some of our dogs needing a foster home, we will have information on how they have interacted with kids or dogs in the home environment or at our shelter. However, we cannot guarantee the temperament, behavior, or health of any animal.
We do our best to provide our fosters with as much information as possible before they bring a foster dog into their homes and then work with our fosters to learn more about the dog and their in-home behaviors.
Q. How much of a time commitment is fostering a cat?
A. It really just depends on what type of cat you are looking to foster! We have cats that can work with anyone's schedule, from tiny bottle babies who need to be fed every 2 hours to adult cats who get stressed in the shelter and don't mind at all if you are gone all day for work, as long as you leave them some food.
Q. Are cats tested for Feline Leukemia (FeLV)?
A, Yes, all cats and kittens are tested for FeLV at intake. Cats who test positive for FeLV are separated from those that test negative. Only foster homes with either no other cats or resident FeLV+ cats are able to foster FeLV+ cats or kittens. Are cats tested for Feline AIDS (FIV)? Yes, all cats and kittens are tested for FIV at intake. Cats who test positive for FIV are separated from those that test negative. FIV positive cats can live with other cats as long as they are not fighting.
Are cats tested for Feline AIDS (FIV)?
Yes, all cats and kittens are tested for FIV at intake. Cats who test positive for FIV are separated from those that test negative. FIV positive cats can live with other cats as long as they are not fighting.
Q, Can I foster if I have resident pets?
A, Yes! Most of our fosters have pets.
Q. Why does my foster cat need to be isolated for 10-14 days? Aren’t the cats checked for ringworm/parasites/other illnesses prior to being sent to their new fosters?
A. Yes! All cats receive a routine medical examination for common feline illnesses, as well as flea preventatives, dewormers, and other medications or tests as determined by CCHS. However, no test is 100% accurate, and the isolation period helps to make sure that your foster kitty is not carrying any hidden germs from the shelter that they might share with resident pets. It also helps with giving the foster kitty and your resident pets a chance to get acclimated to each other with a slow introduction Plus, it lets your foster kitty have a small, safe space to decompress after all the changes they've been through, which can be overwhelming to a kitty. A bathroom or spare room works great for this isolation period!
Q. Do we have “barn cats” for adoptions?
A. We do adopt out a cat as barn cat if we know they are used to being outside. The potential barn cat must be FIV/FLEUK negative, up-to-date on vaccinations and spayed/neutered prior to adoption.
Get Active
Q. How do I become an CCHS Volunteer?
A. Follow these steps to become an CCHS Volunteer:
Check out our volunteer opportunities dashboard
Fill out our Volunteer Application on-line and submit it.
Q. I completed the online application, now what?
A. You will receive an email stating that your application has been approved. You will download the application VicNet. Create a login using the email on your application which should already have the volunteer areas you selected available for you to schedule on the application. The application can be accessed on a home computer or phone app.
Q. Is there an age limit to volunteering?
A. You must be 18 years of age to volunteer without a parent. Under 18 requires a parent/guardian to be with you while volunteering with us.
Q. But do you really need volunteer help?
A. Absolutely! On any given day, we need roughly 10 volunteers so we can meet our animals’ most basic needs. While we do have staff, volunteers are the lifeblood of this organization. With hundreds of animals in our care, via onsite and in foster, along with fundraising efforts, fostering needs, and a plethora of other needs, there is never a shortage of things we can use help with.
Q. What are the volunteer activities?
A. You can see a list of the activities at this link.